About Us

our story
Targeting work readiness in the young unemployed in Dublin
Responding to a request from community partners in the north inner city, Trinity College’s Head of the School of Education, Carmel O’Sullivan, developed a pioneering programme to target the area of work readiness among young unemployed adults. Working with community partners East Wall Youth and Swan Youth Service, and almost 30 prominent businesses, the Career LEAP programme is an innovative partnership between community, business and research, funded by the City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB), the NEIC, DCYA and a number of local businesses.
Young people in the NEET category (Not in Education, Training or Employment) can face severe challenges in entering the workplace and participating fully in society. Dublin’s north inner city experiences particular challenges in this regard. Developing the basic skills for making job applications is not always easy for unemployed young adults, who may have finished school with low levels of literacy and strive to avoid further study given previous experiences of school and classroom-based learning.
Young people in the NEET category (Not in Education, Training or Employment) can face severe challenges in entering the workplace and participating fully in society.
our methods
Career LEAP methods
Career LEAP channels cutting edge educational and occupational psychology on how career identity is formed, and how people can be effective in the workplace, into creative training techniques.
The training is developmentally appropriate, with activities designed to resonate with 18-25 year olds’ needs and interests. Activities are grounded in real world issues and problems, designed to facilitate the transfer of skills learned during the training to everyday life and the workplace.
Developed by Prof Carmel O’Sullivan and her research team Prof Jennifer Symonds (UCD) and Prof Jos Akkermans (VU Amsterdam), this intervention includes a 3-week training programme made up of 10 short modules that translates theory from educational and occupational psychology into creative pedagogies and active learning. It is followed by a 3-week unpaid work placement offered by local businesses.
our partners
Working together for results

Career LEAP is an innovative work readiness training programme with research, community and business partners. Funded by the City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB), Dublin’s North East Inner City (NEIC) initiative, the Dept of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCYA) and a number of local businesses.
What our participants say...
Hear what the course is like from past participants.
What our mentors say...
Hear what the course is like from past participants.
Meet the partners...

About Trinity College Dublin
Modelled on Oxford and Cambridge, Trinity College was created by royal charter in 1592, and has been a centre of excellence since then. The University’s Strategic Plan (2020-2025) sets out its commitment to the creation of a diverse and inclusive community with equality of access for all. In engaging with wider society and activating people’s talents, Trinity seeks to build partnerships with community, business, government and state agencies in delivering its mission to be a university working for the public good.
About our Community partners
Some communities within the north east inner city of Dublin are areas of significant disadvantage lying side by side with highly affluent areas such as the IFSC. Many young people who live in these areas experience social exclusion and do not have the same opportunities for ongoing education or career development as others. Some are at increased risk of poverty. Our community partners aim to provide a safe environment where young people feel respected and accepted. The teams at East Wall Youth and SWAN promote the idea of an inclusive society, where all young people have access to the same opportunities, become more critical thinkers, discover their own voice, and realise their full potential.

About East Wall Youth
Established in 2000, East Wall Youth is a community-based voluntary non-profit organisation. Funded by the CDYSB, and managed by a voluntary committee of dedicated local people, East Wall Youth is committed to generating new and creative initiatives in youth work.

About SWAN Youth Service
Founded in 2004, SWAN Youth Service is a community-led youth service. SWAN’s work affirms the independent role and distinct voice of youth work within a broader interagency approach, acknowledging the positives of working collaboratively with other stakeholders in the interests of young people.
Family Involvement
Research demonstrates a close connection between family involvement and young people’s career development. Research results (hyperlink to Career LEAP report) from Career LEAP reveal that participants were more affected by issues in their wider family network than any other single factor determining their participation in and completion of the programme. Where a parent, grandparent, sibling, or extended family member with whom the participant has a close relationship, experiences ill health, their ability to continue the programme is adversely impacted. Although a complex phenomenon, it was found that where family members participated in an information meeting about Career LEAP, the participant’s outcomes on the programme were significantly improved.
Engaging with close family members and friends so that they are aware of and understand the aims and scope of Career LEAP and the demands it places on the participant, is a vitally important foundation in the overall partnership approach. Building resilience relating to issues affecting close family networks has proven key to success. Being able to support the young adult to manage their emotional states and response to family health and related situations and challenges, appears to assist them in transitioning successfully to the workplace and/or Further/Higher education.
how we keep going
Career LEAP's Major Funders

The City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB) is the state education and training authority for Dublin city. They provide, support and co-ordinate a comprehensive range of professional high-quality education, training and youth services in Dublin city. The CDETB has been supporting Career LEAP since 2016.

In July 2016, the Government launched a major initiative for Dublin’s North East Inner City to oversee the long-term social and economic regeneration of the area. The NEIC project works collaboratively with the community, businesses and statutory agencies to create opportunity and bring about change. The NEIC has been supporting Career LEAP since 2018.